efa snmp subscriber

Lists, adds, or unregisters SNMP trap subscribers. Traps received can have source IPv4/IPv6 address of Active Node or Virtual IPv4/IPv6 address for multi node deployment.


efa snmp subscriber list
efa snmp subscriber add [ --host ipv4/ipv6 | --type type | --community community | --v3user user | --auth auth_protocol | --authpassword password | --priv priv_protocol | --privpassword password]
efa snmp subscriber unregister [ --host ipv4/ipv6 ]


--host ipv4/ipv6
(Required) Specifies the IP address or host name of the SCVMM server you want to update. Can be either IPv4 or IPv6 address.
--type type
(Required) v2c or v3.
--community community
(Optional) Community string for v2c trap type.
--v3user user
(Required for v3 type) v3 user when trap type is v3.
--auth auth_protocol
(Optional) v3 authentication protocol (MD5 or SHA1) when trap type is v3.
--authpassword user name
(Optional) v3 authentication password when trap type is v3. Default is "<prompt>".
--priv priv_protocol
(Optional) v3 privacy protocol (DES or AES) when trap type is v3.
--privpassword password
(Optional) v3 privacy password when trap type is v3. Default is "<prompt>".


This example shows how to add a version 2c trap receiver.

efa snmp subscriber add --host --type v2c --community
Register SNMP Trap forwarding 
Successfully registered trap subscriber.  
| attribute    | value         | 
| id           | 1             | 
| host         |  | 
| type         | v2c           | 
| community    | testcommunity | 
| v3 user      | efaUser            | 
| v3 Auth Type |               | 
| v3 Priv Type |               | 
Trap Subscriber Host=

This example shows how to add an SMTP version 3 trap receiver.

efa snmp subscriber add --host --type v3 --v3user efaUser 
--auth SHA1 --authpassword testing --priv AES --privpassword testingPrivacy 
Register SNMP Trap forwarding 
Successfully registered trap subscriber.  
| attribute    | value         | 
| id           | 2             | 
| host         |       | 
| type         | v3            | 
| community    |               | 
| v3 user      | efaUser       | 
| v3 Auth Type |    SHA1       | 
| v3 Priv Type |    AES        | 
Trap Subscriber 

This example lists currently registered trap subscribers.

efa snmp subscriber list  
| id | type | host    | community | user    | Auth Protocol | Privacy Protocol |
| 64 | v3   | |           | efaUser | SHA1          | AES              |
SNMP Trap Subscribers Count=2 
--- Time Elapsed: 263.997115ms --- 

This example deletes a trap subscriber.

efa snmp subscriber unregister --host 
Delete SNMP Trap forwarding subscriber 
Successfully unregistered trap subscriber